10 Traditional Mexican Family Supper Recipes Passed Down from Mothers and Grandmothers

When it comes to traditional Mexican cuisine, the recipes passed down from mothers and grandmothers hold a special place. These dishes, often prepared for family suppers, are a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Mexico. They are not just meals, but a way of preserving culture and tradition, and of bringing families together. In this article, we will explore ten such traditional Mexican family supper recipes that have been passed down through generations.

1. Tamales

Tamales are a classic Mexican dish made from masa (a dough made from corn) that is filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, or chilies, wrapped in a corn husk and then steamed. They are often served with a side of salsa or mole.

2. Chiles Rellenos

Chiles Rellenos are large chili peppers stuffed with cheese or meat, battered and fried. They are typically served with a tomato sauce and are a favorite for family gatherings.

3. Pozole

Pozole is a traditional soup made from hominy (dried corn kernels), meat, and garnished with shredded lettuce, chili peppers, radish, onion, lime, and oregano. It’s a common dish for celebrations and family gatherings.

4. Enchiladas

Enchiladas are corn tortillas rolled around a filling, usually meat or cheese, and covered with chili pepper sauce. They are often served with a side of beans and rice.

5. Chiles en Nogada

Chiles en Nogada is a patriotic dish made from poblano chiles filled with picadillo (a mixture of shredded meat, fruits, and spices), topped with a walnut-based cream sauce and pomegranate seeds, giving it the three colors of the Mexican flag.

6. Carnitas

Carnitas, meaning “little meats”, is a dish made of slow-cooked pork that is then shredded and often served with tortillas, onions, and cilantro.

7. Mole Poblano

Mole Poblano is a rich, dark sauce made from chili peppers, spices, and chocolate. It is often served over chicken or turkey and is a staple at major celebrations.

8. Sopes

Sopes are small, thick tortillas with pinched sides. They are typically topped with refried beans, cheese, lettuce, and salsa.

9. Chalupas

Chalupas are small, boat-shaped tortillas that are fried until crispy and then topped with ingredients like shredded chicken, salsa, and cheese.

10. Birria

Birria is a spicy stew made from goat meat or mutton, often served with a side of tortillas. It’s a popular dish for Sunday family meals.

These traditional Mexican family supper recipes are a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Mexico. They are not just meals, but a way of preserving culture and tradition, and of bringing families together.